Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Diacardiac - Cardiac tonic to improve blood circulation;

Cardiac tonic to improve blood circulation; tones up heart muscles; increases the force of myocardial contraction; relieves breathlessness, anxiety, palpitation, sinking heart, oedema and tachycardia. Arrests the pace of atherosclerosis.

Dosage and Use
Take 15-30 drops in half cup of water three times daily; for sudden symptoms- single dose of 50 drops in half cup of lukewarm water; or as prescribed by the physician. 

 Consult Free with us

Live Chat with Our Experts Doctors Team @ www.doctorbhargava.com between 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM.

Buy Online @ http://www.doctorbhargava.com/product/heartcare/hearttonic/diacardiac

Call Help Line Number for more details 9999796678


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